Two men and one woman, all three deeply emotional. Never suspecting is one, ever knowing is the other and the woman tries to explain. Will she tell the ever trusting one of her changed feelings or will she tell the new one that she is still loyal to the old. How can the old not suspect, know, that things are different now. Will the new accept her advances, feelings, heart. The woman is faced with a difficult choice, to risk all and try the new or to stay with what is safe and predictable, familiar. What will she choose..... Already she has breached the trusting bond of the old in favor of the new, but does he realize. Is it to late to change what has happened, forget the past, and move on. Can she justify the pain in herself for a slight chance at happiness that is perhaps already doomed. Could one man trust a woman that betrayed another in favor of him. Would, could she do him the same favor..... is he willing to risk his heart. And what of the one betrayed already, to be ever haunted with �what if�, will he recover. All this is in the tired hands and heavy heart of the woman as she struggles to make her choice, taking a slow, deep, agonized breath she knows that the hearts of three people will ever be touched by her decision. She knows that she must explain to one that she wishes nothing more of him.... she knows she must explain..... BANG.... two men meet, the time for quite explanations has slipped away, a small mistake, or perhaps fate, and now all must be told, no feelings spared.... The man betrayed weeps, a proposal dies on his lips, he lashes out in an effort to express his pain. The lover says nothing sensing that now is a time for silence.... The woman is also silent fearing the wrath of the betrayed knowing that it is deserved. As the anger slowly dies she will try to speak of her changed feelings, she has made her decision.... Though it causes him pain, and he will not want to listen the injured man will eventually allow his heart to heal and he will come to understand her words.... The lover asks for no explanation, he has no claim to her... yet... In the end, an unexpected result, she is left with a sadness in her soul and she is left to wonder �what if�......